Virmid: Accurate detection of somatic mutations with sample impurity inference

Sangwoo Kim, Kyowon Jeong, Kunal Bhutani, Jeong H. Lee, Anand Patel, Eric Scott, Hojung Nam, Hayan Lee, Joseph G. Gleeson, Vineet Bafna

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

58 Scopus citations


Detection of somatic variation using sequence from disease-control matched data sets is a critical first step. In many cases including cancer, however, it is hard to isolate pure disease tissue, and the impurity hinders accurate mutation analysis by disrupting overall allele frequencies. Here, we propose a new method, Virmid, that explicitly determines the level of impurity in the sample, and uses it for improved detection of somatic variation. Extensive tests on simulated and real sequencing data from breast cancer and hemimegalencephaly demonstrate the power of our model. A software implementation of our method is available at

Original languageEnglish
Article numberR90
Pages (from-to)R90
JournalGenome Biology
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 29 2013


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