Tailored telephone counseling to improve adherence to follow-up regimens after an abnormal pap smear among minority, underserved women

Suzanne M. Miller, Siu kuen Azor Hui, Kuang Yi Wen, John Scarpato, Fang Zhu, Joanne Buzaglo, Enrique E. Hernandez

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

26 Scopus citations


Objective: The present study explored the impact of a tailored telephone counseling intervention on increasing follow-up adherence after an abnormal Pap smear result among low-income, minority women, which may reduce cervical cancer disparity. Methods: Participants (N= 211) were randomly assigned to receive: (1) a telephone reminder that included an assessment of barriers to adherence, as well as counseling tailored to the barriers elicited; (2) telephone reminder and barriers assessment, followed by a mailed home tailored barriers print brochure; or (3) enhanced standard care comprising telephone reminder and barriers assessment. Assessments were obtained at initial contact and 1-week later, as well as at 6- and 12-months after the initial colposcopy. Results: The telephone counseling group showed greater adherence to follow-up recommendations than did the combined other two groups (p< 0.05). For the initial colposcopy, tailored telephone barriers counseling was more effective among women with a high school education or less. Conclusion: Tailored telephone barriers counseling improves adherence to initial colposcopy, as well as to longer-term medical follow-up, among low-income, inner-city women. Practice Implications: Dissemination of barriers counseling into ongoing telephone reminder calls and contacts may decrease disparities in cancer outcomes, especially among women with less than post-secondary education.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)488-495
Number of pages8
JournalPatient Education and Counseling
Issue number3
StatePublished - Dec 2013


  • Cervical cancer screening
  • Follow up adherence
  • Tailored counseling


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