SU-E-J-01: MR Guided Pulsed Focused Ultrasound Mediated Targeted Chemotherapeutic-Agent Delivery in Management of Prostate Cancer

L. Chen, D. Cvetkovic, R. Gupta, B. Wang, C. Ma

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to investigate an innovative approach to prostate cancer therapy using nanodroplet-encapsulated drugs combined with pulsed high intensity focused ultrasound (pFUS) treatment. Pulsed FUS treatment improves localized drug release from the carrier and enhances intracellular uptake, which ensures temporal and spatial control of local drug delivery while reducing systemic toxicity from the drugs. METHODS: LNCaP cells were implanted into the prostates of nude mice. Tumor growth was monitored using MRI. The tumor-bearing mice were randomly divided into 5 groups (n=5 for each group). Group 1, animals were treated with an IV injection of docetaxel (DTX)-encapsulated nanodroplets (ND-DTX) + pFUS. Animals in Group 2 were treated with pFUS alone. Animals in Group 3 were injected (IV) with DTX-encapsulated nanodroplets alone, Group 4 received free DTX alone and Group 5 was used as a control group. After treatment, animals were allowed to survive for 3 weeks. Tumor growth delay was monitored by MRI (resolution:
Original languageEnglish
JournalMedical Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2015


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