MBD4 loss results in global reactivation of promoters and retroelements with low methylated CpG density

Christopher Papin, Abdulkhaleg Ibrahim, Jamal S M Sabir, Stephanie Le Gras, Isabelle Stoll, Raed S. Albiheyri, Ali T Zari, Ahmed Bahieldin, Alfonso Bellacosa, Christian Bronner, Ali Hamiche

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Background: Inherited defects in the base-excision repair gene MBD4 predispose individuals to adenomatous polyposis and colorectal cancer, which is characterized by an accumulation of C > T transitions resulting from spontaneous deamination of 5’-methylcytosine. Methods: Here, we have investigated the potential role of MBD4 in regulating DNA methylation levels using genome-wide transcriptome and methylome analyses. Additionally, we have elucidated its function through a series of in vitro experiments. Results: Here we show that the protein MBD4 is required for DNA methylation maintenance and G/T mismatch repair. Transcriptome and methylome analyses reveal a genome-wide hypomethylation of promoters, gene bodies and repetitive elements in the absence of MBD4 in vivo. Methylation mark loss is accompanied by a broad transcriptional derepression phenotype affecting promoters and retroelements with low methylated CpG density. MBD4 in vivo forms a complex with the mismatch repair proteins (MMR), which exhibits high bi-functional glycosylase/AP-lyase endonuclease specific activity towards methylated DNA substrates containing a G/T mismatch. Experiments using recombinant proteins reveal that the association of MBD4 with the MMR protein MLH1 is required for this activity. Conclusions: Our data identify MBD4 as an enzyme specifically designed to repair deaminated 5-methylcytosines and underscores its critical role in safeguarding against methylation damage. Furthermore, it illustrates how MBD4 functions in normal and pathological conditions.

Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages19
StatePublished - Nov 14 2023


  • DNA Methylation
  • DNA Mismatch Repair
  • DNA Repair
  • Endodeoxyribonucleases/genetics
  • Humans
  • Recombinant Proteins/genetics
  • Retroelements


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