Factors associated with cervical cancer screening compliance and noncompliance among Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Cambodian women

Grace X. Ma, Jamil I. Toubbeh, Min Qi Wang, Steven E. Shive, Leslie Cooper, Anny Pham

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

42 Scopus citations


Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine factors associated with cervical cancer screening compliance and noncompliance among Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Cambodian women aged 18 years and older. Methods: A cross-sectional design was used. The sample consisted of 1049 women aged 18 or older, of whom 37.94% reported never having been screened for cervical cancer, 23.55% reported noncompliance, and 38.51% were in compliance with screening guidelines. The sample was comprised of Chinese, 50.58%; Koreans, 17.50%; Vietnamese, 16.15%; and Cambodians, 15.77%. Results: Education was significantly associated with never having been screened for cervical cancer for Cambodians. Low income (<$10000) was significantly associated with never having been screened for Cambodian and Chinese women. Not having health insurance was significantly correlated with not getting screened for all ethnic groups. Age and living in the United States less than 15 years were significantly correlated with never having been screened for Vietnamese, Korean, and Chinese women. Marital status was significantly correlated with not getting screened for Korean and Chinese women. English fluency was significantly associated with screening for Cambodians, Koreans, and Chinese. Barriers associated with women who were never screened compared to those barriers for women who were screened and were compliant included lack of knowledge, psychosocial, no insurance, language, transportation, and lack of time, but these barriers were different among the 4 ethnic groups. Conclusion: Compliance with cervical cancer screening guidelines among Asian American women can be enhanced significantly by providing culturally and linguistically appropriate educational and early intervention programs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)541-551
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of the National Medical Association
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2009


  • Asians
  • Cervical cancer
  • Compliance
  • Women's health


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