Erratum: BRCA1 Mutation-Specific Responses to 53BP1 Loss-Induced Homologous Recombination and PARP Inhibitor Resistance (Cell Reports (2018) 24(13) (3513–3527.e7)(S2211124718314050)(10.1016/j.celrep.2018.08.086))

Joseph Nacson, Andrea J. Bernhardy, Emma Clausen, Wanjuan Feng, Yifan Wang, Emmanuelle Nicolas, Kathy Q. Cai, Rossella Tricarico, Xiang Hua, Daniela DiMarcantonio, Esteban Martinez, Dali Zong, Elizabeth A. Handorf, Alfonso Bellacosa, Joseph R. Testa, Andre Nussenzweig, Gaorav P. Gupta, Stephen M. Sykes, Neil Johnson, John J. Krais

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

13 Scopus citations


(Cell Reports 24, 3513–3527.e1–e7; September 25, 2018) Due to an error in the production process, Table 1 contained two errors. In the second row of the table, Brca1+/+ was incorrectly labeled as Brca1ΔC/ΔC, and Brca1+/ΔC was incorrectly labeled as Brca1+/+. These errors have been corrected, and the revised version of Table 1 now appears with the paper online. The production team apologizes for this error.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1384
Number of pages1
JournalCell Reports
Issue number5
StatePublished - Oct 30 2018


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