B-1 derived anti-Thy-1 B cells in old aged mice develop lymphoma/leukemia with high expression of CD11b and Hamp2 that different from TCL1 transgenic mice

Kyoko Hayakawa, Yan Zhou, Susan A. Shinton

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Human old aged unmutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia U-CLL are the TCL1+ZAP70+CD5+ B cells. Since CD5 makes the BCR signaling tolerance, ZAP70 increased in U-CLL not only TCL1+ alone. In mice, TCL1 (TCL1A) is the negative from neonate to old aged, as TC. VH8-12/Vk21-5 is the anti-thymocyte/Thy-1 autoreactive ATA B cell. When ATA μκTg generation in mice, ATA B cells are the neonate generated CD5+ B cells in B-1, and in the middle age, CD5+ can be down or continuously CD5+, then, old aged CLL/lymphoma generation with increased CD11b in TCZAP70CD5 or TCZAP70+CD5+. In this old aged TCATA B microarray analysis showed most similar to human CLL and U-CLL, and TCZAP70+CD5+ showed certain higher present as U-CLL. Original neonate ATA B cells showed with several genes down or further increase in old aged tumor, and old aged T-bet+CD11c+, CTNNB1hi, HMGBhi, CXCR4hi, DPP4hi and decreased miR181b. These old aged increased genes and down miR181b are similar to human CLL. Also, in old age ATA B cell tumor, high CD38++CD44++, increased Ki67+ AID+, and decreased CD180 miR15Olow are similar to U-CLL. In this old aged ATA B, increased TLR7,9 and Wnt10b. TC+Tg generated with ATAμκTg mice occurred middle age tumor as TC+ZAP70CD5+ or TC+ZAP70+CD5+, with high NF-kB1, TLR4,6 and Wnt5b,6 without increased CD11b. Since neonatal state to age with TC+Tg continuously, middle age CLL/lymphoma generation is not similar to old aged generated, however, some increased in TC+ZAP70+ are similar to the old age TC ATA B tumor. Then, TC ATA B old age tumor showed some difference to human CLL. ATA B cells showed CD11b+CD22++, CD24 down, and hepcidin Hamp2++ with iron down. This mouse V8-12 similar to human V2-5, and V2-5 showed several cancers with macrophages/neutrophils generated hepcidin+ ironlow or some showed hepcidin iron+ with tumor, and mouse V8-12 with different Vk19-17 generate MZ B cells strongly increased macrophage++ in old aged and generated intestine/colon tumor. Conclusion, neonate generated TCATA B1 cells in old aged tumor generation are CD11b+ in the leukemia CLL together with lymphoma cancer with hepcidin-related Hamp2++ in B-1 cell generation to control iron.

Original languageEnglish
Article number22
Pages (from-to)22
JournalImmunity and Ageing
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 3 2024


  • B1
  • CD11b
  • CLL/lymphoma
  • Hamp2
  • TC Tg
  • V2-5


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