Population Studies Facility

Equipment/facility: Facility

Research Resources Details


The Population Studies Facility (PSF) at the Fox Chase Cancer Center (FCCC) provides critical informatics infrastructure and project-specific information systems and web-enabled multimedia applications for Cancer Center members. The PSF offers access to a stable team of information systems professionals that provides cost-effective, state-of-the-art software design and engineering to implement and support informatics solutions for Fox Chase Cancer Center investigators. It provides informatics support to other FCCC Shared Resources by developing and maintaining specialized laboratory information systems (LIMS), supports the Center’s clinical research informatics infrastructure, and delivers data warehouse solutions to facilitate FCCC research by integrating data from diverse sources.

Population Science Facility members have access to a variety of applications and development tools, both commercial (e.g., Oracle Enterprise Edition database software, Microsoft SSIS and PowerBI, Epic Caboodle, OnCore CTMS) and freely available (e.g., Eclipse, Maven, Subversion, Apache Tomcat, Liferay, REDCap). For performance and security, PSF developed applications rely on enterprise-scale database, backup, and networking solutions supported by the Temple University Health System’s Technical Services Group.

This facility derives partial funding from the FCCC Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) from the National Cancer Institute.
 Eric A. Ross, PhD, ScM


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