High Throughput Screening Facility

Equipment/facility: Facility

Research Resources Details


The High Throughput Screening Facility provides screening platforms and specialized instrumentation for increased experimental throughput that enables investigators to perform hypothesis-generating discovery research in novel areas of translational research. We provide RNAi and compound libraries, along with the specialized instrumentation required for large scale screening. To maximize productivity, dedicated staff educate investigators in the best application of reagents to their research program. We also support investigators who are working to establish clinical correlates or novel technical capabilities, by performing assay development and executing projects requiring wet-bench capacity.
Dr. Margaret Einarson is a Research Associate Professor in the Molecular Therapeutics Program and has led the HTSF as manager since its inception 15 years ago. Dr. Einarson developed the standard operating procedures used in the HTSF for screening and associated services, and is responsible for all day-to-day operations. Dr. Einarson also acts as a liaison to other facilities, including the BBF and BSR, and assists with assay development, instrument training, instrument maintenance, and quality control.

Services include assisting investigators in the development of robust assays, developing and executing studies to establish clinical correlates, and suporting siRNA and small molecule screening by providing reagents, assay development support, training on instrumentation, and support during screen execution.

This facility derives partial funding from the FCCC Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) from the National Cancer Institute.
 Erica Golemis PhD
Margret B. Einarson, PhD Margret B. Einarson, PhD


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