Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Facility

Equipment/facility: Facility

Research Resources Details


The Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Facility is a shared, institutional resource for biostatistics and bioinformatics consulting and collaboration. We provide rigorous biostatistics and bioinformatics design, analysis and interpretation of experiments and studies, and also create new biostatistics and bioinformatics methods for specific research problems. Our members are broadly skilled in quantitative and computational methods for clinical trials, pre-clinical studies, biological experiments, translational investigations, and cancer prevention and control problems. We embrace new problems and technologies that surface in a rapidly changing scientific environment.

The services provided by the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Facility include:

1. Statistical design for clinical trials, experiments and studies, including: sample size determination, randomization procedures, and plans for interim reviews and final analysis.
2.  Biostatistical and bioinformatic analyses and assist in interpretation and presentation of results.
3. Develop quantitative analysis sections of research proposals and manuscripts.
4. Review, with the Research Review Committee, the integrity and statistical validity of clinical investigations.
5. Maintain a library of statistical and bioinformatic software and support the FCCC high-performance cluster for computationally intense analyses.
6. When appropriate, develop specialized biostatistics and bioinformatics methods needed to support Cancer Center projects.
7. Provide educational opportunities in biostatistics and bioinformatics for investigators, trainees and staff.

This facility derives partial funding from the FCCC Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) from the National Cancer Institute..
Eric A. Ross, PhD, ScM Eric A. Ross, PhD, ScM


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